My Own Project 2025

Part One: An Apology to Patrons

“Yea right,” you’re thinking, “you’ve said this before. Why should I believe you now?” You have every right to think that, for sure. Since 2020 I have given my fans absolutely no reason to continue their patronage to this site and my work. I will fucking own that.

I’m sorry if I let you down. I’m sorry if you have at any point felt that you’ve wasted your money. The only thing that I can offer is that my intention was always to continue providing amazing, unique and tasteful erotica to you. Know that the last five years have been brutal on me, because creating this art, knowing that there are people out there that it’s giving pleasure to, has been and is my passion. It is also heartbreaking to me that I had to take my vision and a place they always knew was safe and ethical away from the performers of the adult industry. For all these things, I am sorry.

Now here I am again, making promises that Black Label Magazine will be resuming production. I don’t expect you to believe me, but my thanks goes out to those that will be there in the early days of re-establishing that brand and vision I created in 2015. Ten years later, I have made it my New Year’s Resolution to do that—to bring Black Label back to where it was in 2019 and early 2020. Over the course of this year, I hope to prove myself to my fans past, present and future that this time isn’t a false start!

What’s different this time is that I’ve taken 2024 to really make a solid plan of execution. Since 2020 I’ve tried to shoot from the hip to keep a heartbeat on an operation that was shattered by COVID. I was going to repeat this last year but (thankfully) my day job kept me from that. One day I’ll reveal fully what my day job is—and at that point you’ll understand why I’ve kept that part of my life and this one separate. For now suffice it to say “if you know, you know.” And an extra thank you to those of you who know and continue to support my passion.

So what’s the plan?

Starting at the end of April, Black Label Magazine will begin a regular release schedule. As I write this, I am freshly returned from Las Vegas, where I’ve done four shoots yielding 7 scenes. I’ve shot three new performers—each of them legendary, provocative, and gorgeous—and three Black Label Beauty Alumni that are fan favorites.

Lots of content transferring onto my computer! And you can see a tease of who is returning to Black Label.

The April releases will be the long-promised final shoots at Black Label Studio. Those films and galleries will be released at least bi-weekly, consistently, until they are exhausted July 4th weekend. By October, everything that I will be shooting this January in Vegas will be released to the site.

Between now and April, you will see some image galleries be released to the VIP Members Area, and I will be posting free-and paid-Member exclusive blog posts documenting the progress of my editing machine and the events of the last five years in detail. I’m also putting together some fun little contests with tangible and digital prizes.

I’m taking note of lessons learned since 2020, and lessons of what worked and didn’t prior to that to make 2025 an amazing year here at Black Label. My hope is that by 2026 I can justify re-opening a newer, better studio. The only way that happens is from fan support. But for now, just please accept my apology and keep your eyes peeled for more teasers. I will of course be tremendously grateful to anyone who does decide to pledge support between now and the summer, and it will only help future content creation for your enjoyment.

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I’ll have a new article for you soon if you’re into it!

Happy New Year!

Can you name all the stars that are in these shoots? Comment below with your answers!

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