The latest nude model to grace the galleries of Black Label Magazine, this blonde beauty has some hot photos and video coming at you!
She was raised in eastern Canada and is now based out of the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia. She’s been modeling for five years. Olivia loves nude modeling, starting into it at the onset of her career. She likes making shape and lines with her body, expressing herself artistically. “When I’m nude, I’m not restricted in any way,” she says.
Olivia was named Playboy’s CyberGirl of the Year in 2018, and she has been photographed in 20 countries. “I love to play different roles in photoshoots and can switch genres with ease.” She loves meeting incredible people and creating long lasting memories and is working on developing her own photography studio.
She loves her cats. If Olivia didn’t have to work she’d probably foster kittens in her pajamas all day. She enjoys traveling to places where she can do her two favorite activities outside of modeling: scuba diving and hiking.

I’m honored and grateful to have Olivia join the Black Label Beauties. We created some gorgeous work together in a luxurious hotel suite in downtown Vancouver. Even a little fun in the hallway…

The first pictorial and video with Olivia “The Red Robe” is now live to VIP Members, with a video coming right on its heels! Her second set will be included in Issue 12, and a third VIP Exclusive will be out later on. Signed nude Instax photos are going to be made available soon as well!